Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Idea - Glitch Art

"A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system.  It is often used to describe a transient fault that corrects itself, and is therefore difficult to troubleshoot.  The term is particularly common in the computing and electronics industries, and in circuit bending, as well as among players of video games, although it is applied to all types of systems including human organizations and nature.  The term derives from the German glitschig, meaning 'slippery', possibly entering English through the Yiddish term glitsh."

"Glitch art is the aestheticization of digital or analog errors, such as artifacts and other “bugs”, by either corrupting digital code/data or by physically manipulating electronic devices (for example by circuit bending).
Glitches are mostly a result of miscommunication or mistranslation when transferring data from one environment to another. They occur in computers due to bugs in software or hardware. In Iman Moradi’s dissertation, Glitch Aesthetics, he divides the glitch into two categories. The first is the pure glitch which is the result of a Malfunction or Error, an unpremeditated digital artifact, which may or may not have its own aesthetic merits. The second is the glitch-alike which is the result of an intentional decision on the user side. Glitch artists either synthesize glitches in non-digital mediums, or produce and create the environment that is required to invoke a glitch and anticipate one. A glitch-alike then is a collection of digital artifacts that resemble visual aspects of real glitches found in their original habitat.
Glitching is a process of creating work that raises awareness of the means by which we communicate and ultimately exteriorize thought. It is an attempt to integrate the nebula of video with a concrete process of interpretation and injunction, thereby incorporating the properties of a medium into the narrative of its content. At very least, glitch-art functions as a reminder that the technology of digital production and information theory remains as an inexorable collaborator in all works of digital propagation and therefore should be treated as significant."

You can read:
Glitch Aesthetics by Iman Moradi
Glitch: Designing Imperfection by Iman Moradi, Ant Scott, Joe Gilmore, and Christopher Murphy
“Glitch captures the fact that no one can deliberately make a mistake, although mistakes are often the greatest sources of inspiration.”

“Glitches are mostly a result of miscommunication or mistranslation when transferring data from one environment to another.”
“This symptomatic lack of function or unwanted function in society, gives the glitch its unique status in art.”

I have grasped the idea of glitch art after experimenting with long exposure self portraits, and come across several "glitches" that were a result of refracted light.  I don't necessarily agree with the idea of messing with the printer or the computer controls to create a "glitch," but I do like the idea of creating the look just by manipulating light.  What you see in my photographs are real, and they portray an extended period of time.  I am inspired by the surrealist look of some of the glitch art, like the second picture below, and also the bright colors of the first picture.  The idea that “glitches are mostly a result of miscommunication or mistranslation when transferring data from one environment to another,” interests me, especially since it is named "environment."



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